Ultimate Educator Championship
“Where Learning Never Taps Out”

Evaluation:                                                                                                                                                           eval

After Step 1, self-assess your New Strategy Activity. 

After Steps 2 and 3, have a colleague look at your Smart Notebook File (Step 4) and complete the rubric. 






Notebook Activity uses  new Strategy. (Standard 2a)


Strategy evident in activity.

Strategy is an engaging part of the activity.

Strategy keeps students engaged throughout the activity.

Notebook File uses Design Techniques

(Standard 2a)


One design technique from Notebook Cheat Sheet is evident.

Two design techniques from Notebook Cheat Sheet are evident.

Three design techniques from Notebook Cheat Sheet are evident.

Notebook File has 3 or more pages.

(Standard 2b)

Notebook includes three pages with standards.

Notebook includes four pages with standards.

Notebook includes five pages with standards.

Steps 4 and 5 will satisfy Standard 3b.

ACCEPTABLE:  3-4 points

GOOD:   5-6 points

EXEMPLARY:   7-9 points


So, how did you measure up?